An Ideal Solution for replacing Ice Baths. Avoids the Mess and Hassle of Consumables while Providing Superior Temperature Stability and Uniformity.
An ideal solution for replacing ice baths. Avoids the mess and hassle of consumables while providing superior temperature stability and uniformity.
With COVID-19 vaccine supplies being limited, it is necessary to keep an organized and temperature-controlled space to mitigate loss. COVID-19 vaccines must be stored at extremely low temperatures. Storage and organization are a concern, as is keeping an accurate log of how long a sample has been at room temperature. To ensure that vaccines are not wasted once removed from the freezer, organization is crucial.
Crystal Industries offers the solution for any time sensitive samples: the CryoCommand™. Combining our EVA 9L Square “Ice” Pan with 6 of our Cooling or Freeze Cryo-Cores, vaccine samples can be maintained at the required specified temperatures. The 6 included Cryo-Cores are completely reusable and are available in two temperature ranges. CryoCommand should be placed on the workstation with the chilled Cryo-Cores first placed into the pan. Samples are then placed on top just as you would with dry ice.
CryoCommand will allow healthcare workers to store and administer the vaccines in a safe and efficient manner. Instead of alternating between the freezer and site of administration, samples can be kept in one spot, eliminating concern about benchtop temperature sensitivity. #covid # #healthcare
PL6, PF6